Saturday, December 31, 2011
Party in the New Year in Pink
Here's the rest of my vintage party hats and blowers in pink!!!
Hope you're doing something fun tonite!
Friday, December 30, 2011
Cupcake Ornaments
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Pink Vintage Treasure from Paulette
Paulette from sent me the most wonderful gift-6 vintage glasses and a revolving trivet tray-pink and fabulous. I still cannot believe the generosity and thoughtfulness from her-she visited my blog and saw that I LOVE pink items and had these and offered to send them to me. She wrapped each glass carefully in bubble wrap and a vintage napkin. She also sent me a wonderful Christmas card with a picture of her and her grandchildren. I wish I could meet her and hug her in person! I can't wait to display them! Thank you soooooo very much Paulette and I will be getting something to you soon!
I'm joining Vintage Thingie Thursday at and Pink Saturday at
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Pink Dog Crate
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Craftsman Tool Tote
Monday, December 26, 2011
Pink Camo Dog Sweater
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Merry Pink Christmas to You!!!
I hope you all are having a wonderful Christmas Day!!! I'm trying to concentrate on the reason for the season-the Birth of Jesus Christ! After a long, hard night of not enough sleep and awful thoughts(that I won't go into)-the only thing that really helps is knowing that Christ is always there.
Merry Christmas to you all!
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Pink Christmas Cookies
Friday, December 23, 2011
Pink Santa Nutcracker
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Vintage Child's Washing Machine
Here's the other washing machine I got last week on my birthday. I thought it was funny how I would find two-even though this one is extremely small. It was too cute to pass up for the price!
I'm joining Pink Saturday at

Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Pink Pyrex-YEAH
Monday, December 19, 2011
Cupcake Apron
Sunday, December 18, 2011
An Early Present
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Pink Sugar Cookies
This was what was waiting for me when I got home from work at 12:30 am last nite. My oldest niece and my mother had made these especially for a late night snack for me. ( I stayed at my mother's house since I didn't get off till midnite and had to be back at work at 7:30 the next day and live 30 minutes from work).
What a sweet gesture since my days haven't been the most pleasant-people can be very rude and mean during the holidays-working retail is certainly challenging. Anyway, these really perked me up!
Friday, December 16, 2011
Pink Ringer Washer
Well here she pink Birthday gift! My husband was like OH No you want that?! I said YES-I have to have it!!!! Where are you going to put it and what are you going to do with it he said? I don't know -but I love it!
I'm joining Pink Saturday at

Thursday, December 15, 2011
Pink Striped Child's Socks
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Pink Metal Ice Cube Trays
I had a great day antiquing today for my birthday. My husband drove 277 miles to take me to several new places. I didn't find any pink Christmas and I was a little disappointed about that, but will be posting some of my finds for the next few days. One item is so large we have to go back to get it-and it's pink-but you'll never guess what it is. I've never seen one like it and was so excited when I saw it. Anyway, I did pick these pink(I know they don't look pink, but they are!) metal frigidaire ice cube trays.
They were only $1.00 each so I had to get them!
I'm joining Vintage Thingie Thursday at
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Pink Birthday Cupcakes
A good friend from work surprised me right before I left work and brought me these beautiful and yummy cupcakes. Pink of course with pink sprinkles and swirly roses and even an antique calling card in the middle! I LOVED it!
Here she is -you've probably seen her before on this blog-Bre-multi-talented girl!
Monday, December 12, 2011
A Christmas house tour!
Last nite I was invited over to my friend from work's house-Here's Janice! From the outside to the inside she had pretties everywhere I looked!
Sunday, December 11, 2011
1850's Christmas at the Rutherford House
Friday, December 9, 2011
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Pink Silicone Baking Pans
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Vintage Juice Glasses
I bought these pink vintage juice glasses several months ago-I couldn't resist for only $6.00.
I'm joining Vintage Thingie Thursday at
I'm joining Vintage Thingie Thursday at
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
More Candy Ornaments
Remember the lady I told you about that brought me some pink ornaments the other day? Her name is Nancy and I'm convinced she's my Christmas angel. Not only because she keeps bringing me wonderful Christmas stuff(when I can't seem to find much on my own), but because she brings it when I'm feeling down. I don't know how she's doing it, but it sure has made me perk up a little and feel better. As Tete says-there are Christmas angels out there!
Pink sugar coated baskets with candy and a candy guy...
Sugar frosted candy picks(some have pink candy!)
A little elf with pink shirt and pink/red striped candy cane
How fun are these!
Pink sugar coated baskets with candy and a candy guy...
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Plastic Pink Cupcake Ornaments
Friday, December 2, 2011
Pink Ornaments
I was talking with a lady at work(she's a friend of my Mom's) about how I haven't been able to find any vintage pink ornaments this year. She was telling me how her mother has been wanting to get rid of some of her christmas ornaments and that she would go thru them and give some to me. This is what she brought me.... Some pink small balls.
Can you see all the different ornaments-cupcakes, little victorian dresses, crochet snowflakes, little lace gloves, and so much more!
I was so excited! This is exactly what I used to put on my victorian tree-I may have to get that out next year or put up a small tree this year!
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Peach Blossom Pyrex???
I only have one of these. My sister in law used to collect it and I've picked this one up and just found it again. I don't think I'll be collecting this pattern-but it will go with my pink pyrex!

I'm joining Vintage Thingie Thursday at
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