Sunday, September 11, 2011

Flamingo Stuff

A couple of weeks ago while I was camping, a lady came and knocked at my door. She had seen my pink camper and was throwing away a ton of pink flamingo stuff. She wanted to give it to me for free-and a lot of it was brand new. How nice is that! There was so much stuff(not all pictured) that we will use next year when the kids have a beach themed play.

I'm packing it away for this year-cause soon it will be time to get out the pink themed halloween stuff!

I'm joining Blue Monday at and Mellow Yellow Monday at


  1. Free is so forward to seeing what you make out of them next year.

  2. Looks like a lot of fun!

    Please drop by to see my mellow yellow when you get a chance. Have a lovely Monday!

  3. how fun that she gave you all of that! The flamingo's went to a good home!

  4. What a lovely thing for her to do. And I can't wait to see pink halloween!

  5. Isn't flamingo pinkness just the BEST! I have a brilliant old rusty garden flamingo (pink and grey) and I love it! You are so lucky on that great score of flamingos! X

  6. You have a pink camper?! Your husband must be very secure in his manhood. We camped a lot when I was a kid, I can't even imagine my dad and a pink anything... You've just brightened my day. Hope you have a great day!
